Thursday, September 15, 2011

'The Hell I'm Not!'

    Those words were spoken by a young Marine when told he could not go out and get his wounded comrades who were under fire in Afghanistan.  He was recently awarded the Medal of Honor by President Obama. 

     Bravery and courage are highly admired traits.  People die because of their bravery and courage.  People live because somebody shows bravery and courage.  Too often, in these difficult times, we say "It can't be done."  We stand by and watch a car burn... we stand by and watch someone drown... we stand by and watch our country, our state or our community drift into an intolerable situation.  We don't speak up when people are treated like it's their fault for not having a job.  Their fault because they are uninsured.  Their fault when their children have to go to school hungry or cold, or both.  Their fault when the job they had is shipped overseas... they just didn't work hard enough. 

     Our leaders tell us that programs like Social Security and Medicare are getting too costly, we can no longer afford them.  Our returning Veterans can't receive the medical care they earned... it's too costly, we can't afford it.  Our government can't provide the economic boost that the country needs... it's too costly, we can't afford it.

     I say, BullShit!  We can afford to give tax subsidies to the most profitable corporations in America.  We can afford to allow corporations to mine, drill and pump the natural resources of this country and not pay reasonable fees for the privelege.  We can afford to give tax subsidies to corporations who routinely close plants with American jobs and ship those jobs overseas for cheaper labor to perform. 

These folks didn't stand by and watch... they did something!


Public opinion polls report that most Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction.  It seems to me that the direction the country needs to be headed in is: 

In the direction of Justice!   
  • Justice for people who are willing to work but have no job or even the prospect for a job. 
  • Justice for people who are too old or too sick to work anymore. 
  • Justice for children who want and need a good education so that they can make their own way in this world. 

    There needs to be a change in the direction of the wind! 


   So, the next time someone tells me that I won't be making a difference by getting informed and involved, my answer will be: 

"The Hell I'm Not!"

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