I apologize for not having the text of the original email to Rep. Womack. I sent it on his webpage email and neglected to save a copy. The gist was that I thought he was wasting my time and his by proposing the ridiculous 'teleprompter defunding' amendment.
This is the reply I found in my inbox this morning.
March 29, 2011
Dear ***,Thank you for contacting me regarding the President's teleprompter. It is good to hear from you. 
During consideration of H.R. 1, the FY2011 Continuing Resolution, I dropped an amendment that would prohibit funding for the use and operation of the President's many teleprompters. I did not offer the amendment on the floor since the Congressional Budget Office was not able to provide me with an accurate score. Put another way, while we know the teleprompter involves a significant cost to taxpayers, it is difficult to determine just how much.

The issue drew nationwide media attention and even made the monologue of Jimmy Fallon on NBC. While the TOTUS (Teleprompter of the United States) has been the subject of national media discussion, it serves as an example of the waste in Washington. President Obama does not need this type of platform—he is a gifted orator—and his excessive use of the system could be avoided.

Given the economic issues facing all Americans, I would like the President to lead by example in demonstrating restraint on unnecessary expense of taxpayer dollars.
Again, thank you for contacting me regarding the President's teleprompter. Please continue to keep me informed of the issues that are important to you and be sure to visit my website, www.womack.house.gov, for more information and to sign up for my newsletter.
Congressman Steve Womack
Member of Congress
I saw no real justification in the email for his amendment. Therefore, I responded to his email as follows:
Dear Congressman Womack:A better example of the waste in Washington is the cost to pay and support the Congress of the United States. Republicans such as yourself were elected to live up to the mantra we heard repeated so often in the 2010 campaign:: 'Cut spending - create jobs.' During the campaign a target of $100 Billion was bandied about. As the year has progressed, that figure has been reduced to $60 Billion. Great!

Unfortunately, the $60 Billion that the Republicans want to cut out of the Federal budget does not come from the Defense Dept nor does it come from closing corporate tax loopholes. It comes right out of the hide of the working people of this country. The real unemployment rate in this country is not 9.6%, it is actually closer to 20% or higher. So, it would seem to me that the Republican solution to our problem is to make the lives of working people even more miserable while making sure that the wealthy get their tax breaks. The Democrats are no better, they refuse to stand up for the people that built this country with the sweat of their brow.

Now, you can give me the standard line that rich people create jobs so we should give them tax breaks and the jobs will follow. You and I both know that doesn't work. It hasn't worked for 30 years, but Washington insists that it will. I can also swear that one of my horses will rear up on his hind legs and recite the Gettysburg Address. I can tell you that, but we both know it isn't going to happen.

You spent several years as Mayor of Rogers. You know full well that you can only cut spending so far and then you have to raise revenue. Most cities in Arkansas, including Rogers have at least one penny sales tax going to the General Fund. Some cities have other penny taxes going to other worthy projects. So you may be able to BS a lot of people into believing that cutting spending will magically solve our deficit; you know that is absolute manure.

I read the other day that General Electric made $14.2 Billion in profit for 2010 and paid no corporate income tax; meanwhile getting $3.2 Billion in tax credits. All the while, shipping American jobs overseas. I also read that approximately 2/3 of American corporations pay no income taxes at all. American corporate profits are at record highs. This country is not broke, you know that and I know that; so why continue the charade?
I recall the quote from the 1930's bank robber, Willie Sutton, when asked why he robbed banks, he replied: "That's where the money is."

So, Congressman Womack, I would suggest that instead of reaching into the pocket of hard working Americans, you might just 'go where the money is' and make these corporations pay income taxes at the rate that working people pay, which is about 25-30%. If that were the real tax rate, I believe we would have the deficit problem licked.

My purpose in emailing him was not to even attempt to change his mind. I would have more success training my quarter horse to recite the Gettysburg Address. I like to think that at least he knows that one of his constituents can recognize BS when he sees it.

Those of us that live in the country know bullshit when we see it and smell it. I wanted to have the proverbial 'picture is worth a thousand words' visual aid. Since I don't have any cattle on my place, I had to rely the infinite supply of horse manure for my 'Show and Tell' video.

Any fool should be able to recognize what we are being fed is a 'Steaming Pile of Horse Manure'

  Here's the link to a story about it in the Arkansas Times.