Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hump Day Observations

“If we had a business and put Congress in charge of it – we’d be broke in a week.”

“If I was a betting man and unfortunately, I am; wagering on Congress getting anything of consequence done would require a bet on ‘Double Zero.”

“The recently unveiled Republican Budget Proposal seems to have a lot of ‘give and take’ in it. The working people are giving a lot and the billionaires are taking a lot.”

“A horse has a brain the size of a walnut and uses every bit of it. A politician has a brain the size of a coconut and uses the portion equivalent to a raisin.”

“I read where the top 2% of people in this country control 80% of the wealth – it would appear that they control 100% of the politicians.”

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your input with the Social Security and medicare posting. I love your quotes! And totally am stealing that last one about 2% of people controlling 80% wealth and 100% politicians. My friends will love that one!
